件名: Feedback from the West
記事No 484
投稿日 : 2024/12/27(Fri) 15:54:26
投稿者 Fhiz   <support@wovencode.net>
Good day,
I am from the West and found the project by pure chance. I think it's amazing how much work has been invested here and I would like to contribute something.

I am a Mac user and found a bug (see attached screenshot) when running the Java version of the editor on Mac. Some of the buttons overlap with the rest of the input fields, making the editor almost impossible to use. This may be due to how the layout is rendered on the Mac, and I have switched the language to English. Perhaps this bug could be fixed in the future to make the editor more accessible to more people?

A few other things I noticed:

- Downloaded games cannot be opened in the editor anymore because they use a different file format?
- Whether I create game data or save the project in the editor, the dungeon map is not included?

I am currently in the process of translating the manual into English and will make it available so that others can benefit from it as well. Once that is done, I can provide further feedback.

A few more things:

- I prefer the HTML5 version and the Java version of the editor, as they work on every operating system. I would even prefer an HTML5 version of the editor and personally restrict the project direction exclusively to HTML5, but that’s just my opinion.

- Pre-set menu background colors and transparency would be very easy to implement and would give scenario creators the ability to customize their game a little (I prefer blue menus, as they break up the black monotony a bit). This can also be done by editing the CSS code, but it would be very practical to have such - easily implementable - functions directly in the editor. Again, though, this is just my opinion.

Of course, it always depends on how closely one wants to stick to the original. And you have done an excellent job with that – much praise and a bow!



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