スレッド:[Javardry] Chinese Localization
[Javardry] Chinese Localization 投稿者:Sandersan 投稿日:2022/11/19(Sat) 18:17:46 No.136
I'm a fan of drpg from China. Recently I've translated Javardry into Chinese. All the text in the editor and the game itself (text in scenarios is not included) have been fully translated.

I do not understand Japanese, but I tried my best to do the translation with the help of translator like DeepL, dictionaries, and friends who major in Japanese, as well as my gaming experience of fantasy drpg. And I tried to make the translation as intuitive as possible.

However, there still must be some text that is not appropriate or even wired. Feel free to edit them!

Text in scenarios totally depends on the designers, hence I didn't translated them. I'm working on the localization of the demo scenario provided by the developer but still not finished.

And to the developer:
Thanks a lot for this wonderful project! You can add this localization on the download page or put them into the distributions of the game if you want without any restriction. I'll be glad if you could also mention my name somewhere in the file. ^^

The download link is:
Re: [Javardry] Chinese Localization 投稿者:猫魂(管理人)◆dx.FT480GL2 投稿日:2022/11/19(Sat) 23:51:24 No.137

Re^2: [Javardry] Chinese Localization 投稿者:Sandersan <sandersan@163.com> 投稿日:2022/11/20(Sun) 13:45:02 No.138
Yeah, I totally agreed.

Unfortunately I do not understand Japanese. Translating the editor and the game engine is already a hard job for me.

I think it's not appropriate to put them inside the game for now, at least it would be better when I finish the translation of the demo scenario someday.

The current English localization is only available in editor, game engine, and the demo scenario. So I want to keep the Chinese localization the same as the English localization.

The manual you wrote is quite comprehensive and detailed. It helped me a lot understanding the editor. But on the other hand it means that it's almost impossible for me to translate such a huge manual. TAT

I was reading the manual with the help of DeepL. So I think anyone could understand the manual too even without the knowledge of Japanese, just like me.

The purpose of this localization is to make it convenient for Chinese players (if there will be...) to design their own scenarios. That way the whole game would be in Chinese.








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